Effective Early Learning (EEL) 10 Dimensions of Quality CPD Pilot

CREC are looking for a number of early years settings to join with them over the next academic year as we walk them through an action cycle of self-evaluation and quality improvement.

Based on CREC’s Effective Early Learning (EEL) Programme undertaken by thousands of early years settings, the “10 Dimensions of Quality” is a series of 10 x one hour-long online sessions scheduled throughout 2024/25. Each session will outline a specific dimension of quality in turn and invite participants to evaluate their own provision accordingly with the help of suggested tools and resources. The sessions are linked and settings are encouraged to include staff teams in order to develop an enquiry based culture and to facilitate reflective team discussions in support of quality improvement.

Participants will help us shape materials and resources for future cohorts by bringing their knowledge, experience and professional reflections to each session. Sessions will be led by Prof Chris Pascal & Prof Tony Bertram with support from the wider CREC team.


Developing a partnership with UIN Surakarta, Indonesia


A day in the life of CREC Trainee Teacher