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CREC Learning Circle

Our community of practice has met regularly since 2003 for presentations or discussions on early childhood issues, and includes students, policy makers, local authority leaders and visiting academics.

Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better by interacting regularly. Over recent years CREC's Directors have supported many students to successful completion of MA , and PhD degrees.

The Centre is working to establish, regionally and nationally, a research community of scholars who are committed to children and family services.

The CREC Learning Circle has met regularly since 2003 for presentations or discussions on early childhood issues, and includes students, policy makers, local authority leaders and visiting academics.

From this learning community will come the future leaders, tutors and thinkers for this key area of social, educational, health and economic policy.

The schedule for 2024/25 can be seen below . They will predominantly consist of virtual meetings and opportunities for face-to-face networking/PhD peer-to-peer discussions at CREC in Birmingham.

As always, the first session of the new academic year (September 23rd 2024) is an opportunity to catch up after the summer and contribute ideas for themes and topics for the year.

Joining links and initial information for will be shared with registered members early September. Where possible, recordings of online sessions will be made available for a limited time to members after each session, for those who couldn't attend or would like to revisit.

Join our Facebook group by requesting to join on the group page and answering all of the questions (please note, if you do not answer the questions we are unable to admit you to the group).

2024/2025 Schedule:

Monday 7th October- at CREC led by Louise Hannan ‘ An exploration into the Emotional Environment of two-year-old Early Childhood Education and Care settings offering funded provision’.

You can watch the recording here:
Passcode: *m9kfR2q

Thursday 14th November -online via Zoom, 5pm-6pm led by Baljit Gill on Material Entanglements: Merging Thematic and Diffractive Analysis.

You can watch the recording here:
Passcode: A5X^nY?H

Tuesday 10th December -face to face at CREC 4pm-6pm

This session will be hosted by principle researcher, Carly Ellicott on the theme of Young Carers in Early Childhood as part of her PhD research with University of Plymouth.

Wednesday 15th January -online via Zoom, 5pm-6pm led by Peter Moss on IELS and assessment.

Peter Moss discussed the International Early Learning and Child Wellbeing Study (IELS) and the implications of neoliberalism and the global education reform movement (GERM) on education systems, particularly early childhood education. He also criticized the limitations and shortcomings of the OECD's approach to early childhood education and the International Large Scale Assessments (ILS) in evaluating early childhood education. The group also discussed the challenges and implications of large-scale testing in education, particularly in the context of the PISA program..

Passcode: Y^x8VCx*

Presentation: IELS, OECD and contesting the ‘science of solutions’

Tuesday 4th March -online via Zoom, 5pm-6pm

Register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Monday 7th April -face to face/ Hybrid at CREC 4pm-6pm

Register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Monday 12th May - Online via zoom, 5pm-6pm. Led by Gill Hart

Register in advance for this meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thursday 26th June- Hartlebury, Worcestershire, 4pm - late “Walk & Talk”