Primary School Centred Initial Teacher Training with QTS
Train to teach with us from September.
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Why choose CREC SCITT?
Specialist early years route into teaching
We are the only provider in the region solely offering training that’s preparing for teaching 3-7 year olds (EYFS and KS1). We combine Teach First training expertise with our early childhood specialism to deliver this high-quality research-informed programme.
Train in a school that’s local to you
We work with a wide network of nursery and primary schools across Birmingham, Coventry and Warwickshire. Every effort is made to offer a placement in a school that is local to you. We consider trainees’ previous experience to try and provide a bespoke experience.
Small supportive cohorts
By keeping our trainee cohort small we are able to provide a personal experience and find we are able to respond to individual students’ needs. Taught days at CREC offer our trainees an opportunity to be a part of a close learning community.
Gets you off to a good start
Our aim is to help you become a confident, knowledgeable and highly employable teacher with a passion for working with young children so that you can give them the best starting point in life, whatever their circumstances.
Set in a real world of practice
The setting of this course in the real world of practice provides the trainees with the opportunities to understand the context and experience working with children from a wide range of social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
Offers transferable skills
The programme places emphasis on the ability to articulate a personal philosophy and professional values. It also provides an opportunity to develop key transferable skills such as teamwork, autonomy and problem-solving.
Ofsted Trainee Online Questionnaire 2023
100% of our trainees said they would recommend CREC Teacher Training to others
Applications for September 2025 are now open.
The CREC School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme offers a one year full-time school-based route to becoming a primary teacher with an early years or early primary specialism and Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Our core aim is to help you become a confident, knowledgeable and highly employable teacher with a passion for working with young children, to give them the best starting point in life, whatever their circumstances.
Our high-quality mentors and tutors have extensive practical experience and will help you succeed by offering consistent guidance and personalised support throughout the course.
Alongside the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), awarded by Teach First, this course also carries a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) awarded by Sheffield Hallam University.
The course has been devised to develop high-quality teachers to work in the early years settings and primary schools and the course, in addition to covering all Teaching Standards includes an emphasis on multi-agency working, leadership in the EYFS, working with 2-year-olds, SEND, and practitioner research.
The SCITT programme is run by a team of highly experienced teacher educators, sector specialists and placement mentors.
Thinking about training to teach older children?
Birmingham based Titan Teacher Training have over 35 years experience training teachers and supporting them into primary (5-11 yrs) and secondary school employment. Attend their information event to find out more.
In collaboration with 40+ partner schools and Teach First, Futures Teaching Alliance offers primary and secondary school based training across Coventry and Leicestershire.
SCITT Expression of Interest
Interested but not quite ready to enrol? Join this mailing list and we will send you relevant information about our programme.
Upcoming Information Events
See the training venue, meet current students and tutors face-to-face, learn more about our SCITT and have all your questions answered.
What Our Students Have Said
Don’t just take our word for it. Our students and alumni share their experiences studying with us and explain what sets us apart.
Programme Structure and Content
The programme prepares trainees for teaching children aged 2 - 7, including EYFS (3 - 5) and KS1 (5 - 7).
Programme Fees and Finance Options
There are a few different types of funding. Depending on your circumstances, you could be eligible to apply for multiple funding options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our SCITT. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch!
Get school experience.
Request a visit at one of our placement schools.
Train to teach with us from September.
Our Alumni Teacher Journeys
“The tutors at CREC are supportive, knowledgeable, and inspiring. They encourage you to challenge your thinking and reflect on your own practice throughout the course. I valued the mixture of placement and days at CREC throughout the week. The structure of the course allows you plentiful opportunities to reflect on your teaching practice and re-connect with tutors and other student teachers, within a small and understanding learning community, regularly. Training with CREC has enabled me to become a confident, reflective, and passionate Early Years Teacher and prepared me for a career in education. I will forever by grateful for the encouragement and ongoing support I have received from CREC.”
After completing her teacher training, Clair accepted a position at Allens Croft Nursery School, Birmingham. She went on to carry on her postgraduate studies at CREC and was awarded Masters in Education in 2020.
Clair continues to develop her practice and research. She has recently presented at BECERA Conference where she shared the findings of her MA research project into children's perspectives of starting school and the implications for practice. Her research has helped explore the challenges and develop transition to school pedagogy at Redcliffe Nursery School in Bristol, where she currently works as a nursery teacher.
“CREC SCITT course really gives you a flavour of what life as a teacher is really like. From vast experience you gain in the classroom within your EY stage and KS1, to all the academic work that you will do.
All the training experience I received, I believe it set me up for my role. It gave me confidence to run my own room and lead a team.
Training at CREC has given me lifelong skills and a sense of belonging.”
Completing my teaching experience at CREC allowed me to understand my own pedagogy and allow me to ensure I do not lose the identity of those values and ideas.”
After completing her teacher training, Sam accepted a position at St Thomas Centre Nursery School. She completed her NQT year during the COVID-19 pandemic. He role then changed dramatically when she stepped into the role of Deputy Head.
She is currently working as a nursery teacher at Lillian de Lissa Nursery School, one of our placement schools, where she also provides mentoring support to one of CREC’s current teacher trainees.
She began the role of SENCO in 2023 and I is currently completing NASENCO award.
Since joining Lilian de Lissa, she has worked extensively using Reggio Emilia approach, while also implementing Froebel principles and practice, ensuring play and creativity is at the forefront of every child’s adventure at nursery.
Department for Education, October 2020
‘The [SCITT] partnership is committed to inclusion and diversity (in its broadest sense) and the analysis and critique of theory, research and expert practice in early years. CREC itself is at the heart of local, national and international policy, practice and research in the early years.’
“My time at CREC has been nothing short of enriching. The course structure is designed to foster deep learning and growth, offering a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. Both my academic tutors’ and placement mentors’ dedication is shown through their support. The collaborative environment among peers fuels stimulating discussions and encourages innovative thinking. I am grateful for all the valuable insights and skills I have gained.”
- Megan Bartlam, SCITT 2023 - present
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