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Early Years Maths CPD Day at CREC

  • CREC Bell Barn Road Birmingham, England, B15 2AF United Kingdom (map)

This day will look at the Statutory Framework for the EYFS and the concepts covered in teaching Early Number.  We will identify the Early Learning Goals for number and counting and identify what the terms mean in practice.  For example - what does a 'deep understanding of numbers' mean?  What are the two types of subitising and why are they important?  How can we best teach subitising, number bonds and composition of number?  We will look at appropriate pedagogical strategies for teaching these.  A range of manipulatives and representations will be explored for teaching about subitising, the composition of number and number bonds.  Resources will be explored that will help you to teach the concepts more effectively through intentional learning and continuous provision.


About the tutor

Roy Broadfield is the founder and Primary National Consultant for Impact in Learning. Roy is in his 30th year in education most recently working as a Senior Lecturer in maths at the University of Worcester. Roy is a maths specialist teacher (MaST) and has delivered DfE-funded work as a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE) for maths.

Roy has an outstanding Ofsted record of achievement and has taught and led across the primary age-range. His track record of engaging parents to raise attainment for children has led to him become an internationally-recognised expert in the field.

30 April

CREC Teacher Training Online Information Event