Prof. Chris Pascal
Professor Christine PASCAL, PhD, MSocSc specialises in early childhood research and evaluation projects using mixed methods which are flexible in approach and close to practice. Currently she is President of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) and was previously President of the British Association for Early Childhood Education from 1994-1997 (and is now Vice President). She has also done extensive work at government level to support the development of early years policy, has served as a ministerial advisor, and an Early Years Specialist Adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Education. She has written extensively on early childhood development and the quality of early education services and served as an Expert Advisor to Tickell’s review of the EYFS. In the past 3 years she has delivered a number of early years policy and evidence reviews for clients including The Sutton Trust, Teach First, and Early Education. drchrispascal@crec.co.uk
Recent publications:
Pascal, C. and Bertram, T. (2023) ‘Evidencing practice: re-focusing on children’s flourishing, fulfilment and wellbeing’, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 31(3), pp. 305–310.
Pascal C. and Bertram, T. (2023) ‘Realising Children’s Rights in Early Childhood Education’, Early Education Journal, No 100: Children: living and learning
Williams-Brown Z. and Pascal C. (2023) ‘Challenges faced during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Early Childhood Education and Care professional’s perspectives and experiences’, Forthcoming, Early Childhood Development and Care
Pascal C. and Bertram T. (2023) ‘Young Voices on COVID: An exploration of the Froebel Storytelling Approach in support for young children through the Covid-19 pandemic’ in, Bruce T., Nishida Y., Powell S., Wasmuth H. and Whinnett J (2023) The Bloomsbury Handbook to Friedrich Froebel, Bloomsbury Publishing: London.
Pascal C. and Bertram T. (2022) ‘Affirmative parenting practices and home learning experiences: Lessons from the HAWCC Boys Project’ in Moylett H. (Editor) (2022) Characteristics of Effective Early Learning: Helping Young Children Become Learners for Life, 2nd Edition, Open University Press: London.
Pascal C. and Bertram T. (2021) ‘What do young children have to say? Recognising their wisdom, agency and need for companionship in a time of crisis’, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 29, 2021 - Issue 1
Broadfoot H. and Pascal C. (2021) An exploration of what conditions facilitate experiences of compassion in one early childhood community European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 29, Issue 6, pp
Pascal C.and Bertram, T. (2021) What do young children have to say? Recognising their voices, wisdom, agency and need for companionship during the COVID pandemic, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol 29 Issue 1, pp21-34
Bertram T. and Pascal C. (2021) ‘Creating forums for plural Covid narratives and dialogues in early childhood’, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 29, 2021 - Issue 1
Broadfoot H. and Pascal C. (2020) Exploring experiences of compassion in the daily rhythms of one early childhood community European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 28, Issue 4, pp 457-474.
Gaywood D., Bertram T. and Pascal C. (2020) Involving refugee children in research: emerging ethical and positioning issues, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol 28, Issue 1, pp149-162, Special issue, ECEC in Contemporary Super-Diverse Societies: Challenges and New Perspectives Concerning Migrants and Refugee Children and their Families.
Pascal C., Bertram T., Cullinane C. and Holt-White E. (2020) COVID-19 and Social Mobility Impact Brief #4: Early Years, Sutton Trust, London.
Lyndon H., Bertram T., Brown Z. and Pascal C. (2019) ‘Pedagogically Mediated Listening Practices; the Development of Pedagogy through the Development of Trust.’ European Early Childhood Research Journal 27 (3)
Pascal C. (2019) Contested spaces in early childhood research: advocating a dialogic approach, Editorial, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Volume 27, 2019 - Issue 2